Leverhulme Trust funds Knowledge Orders

27th January 2024

The Leverhulme Trust has announced the outcome for the latest competition for its prestigious Doctoral Scholarships awards, worth up to £2.15m. We are delighted and most grateful that included in the successful applications is Knowledge Orders before Modernity.

This is the first iteration of the competition when the Leverhulme has allowed consortium bids and Knowledge Orders is one of the first to take advantage of that opportunity. The programme is a collaboration between King’s College, London and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Kent. It seeks to build on those institutions’ strong reputations for research and skills training for medievalists and early modernists, and to equip a new generation to investigate and make accessible handwritten heritage in our emerging digital age. For more information, read our rationale.

The Trust will fund 15 doctoral scholarships, to be selected in three cohorts, with the first beginning in autumn 2024. In addition, it funds Masters’ Plus Doctoral Scholarships, designed to increase diversity and inclusion. What is more, both King’s and Kent have undertaken to increase the number of PhD scholarships available. You can read more about what Knowledge Orders will be able to offer.